With full intentions of driving overnight, we embarked on our trip at 7 o’clock in the evening. We were scheduled to pick up a loaded trailer in Joplin Missouri. It turned out that the load flopped. The overnight crew at Schneider were friendly, but were not able to give us definitive answers about how flexible our next customer would be since we would have to insert a shipment in place of the ruined one. The next load would’ve taken this all the way to California, with handsome pay. We ended up just spending the night there on customer property, nestled between other orange trailers.
The morning crew at Schneider were able to make some phone calls, but sadly reported that we would have to be taken off of the California load since the shipper would not permit enough of a delay to accommodate us.
Although Stephanie was frustrated to tears, she still managed to find other freight that will still make for a handsome week of revenue.
Moving on, we chose a load that picked up from the Wichita Kansas area. I had to dust off the hazardous materials procedures, as the load required bright placarding on the trailer. We were carrying 38,000 pounds of compressed flammable gases. The destination was a little unusual. We were required to relay it at the Schneider yard in Dallas Texas. Before relinquishing it, I took it to the maintenance shop for a tire replacement. It feels good to have done the right thing. 
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