Saturday, July 27, 2013


While on restart, I spent the night at my uncle's house. He owns a Labrador mutt. While taking pictures, I got too close to the dog's  personal space. Without warning, she lunged and bit me twice. My face was a bloody mess. After my first glimpse into the mirror, I realized a hospital visit was necessary. My uncle drove me over there with due urgency. I was truly amazed that we didn't have to wait several hours in the ER waiting room. They got me right in. It was decided that my flayed lip required the extra skill of a plastic surgeon. Within 90 minutes, a female surgeon,in her early 30s, got to work on me. She did an amazing job. I am under orders to visit a clinic in 48 hours to make sure that infection isn't setting in. On Thursday, I am supposed to get my 15 stitches taken out. I hope all runs according to schedule. I am treating my face with topical ointment. Also, I am taking oral antibiotics. It was amazing to me, that they chose not to shave my mustache.

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